On Saturday evening it's "trachtig" (traditional)! With music and a great atmosphere, you can look forward to an enjoyable evening. Traditional costumes and the related customs are very important in our beautiful province of Tyrol. Almost every region in Tyrol has its own traditional costume in marching bands, marksmen, young farmers, women farmers and much more. In Paznaun there is even a special traditional costume, which many young women often sew themselves and present with pride. For musical entertainment is well sorted. A highlight is the estimation game with great prizes.
The "N8 der Tr8" (night of traditions) at a glance
When: Saturday, 7 October from 7:00 pm
Where: Trisannasaal See
Price: Prices will be announced soon.
Traditional costume desired
The Musikkapelle See is looking forward to your visit!
Golden Summits: 31 August – 13 October
Experience an unforgettable autumn with Golden Summits in Paznaun: six weeks of culture, sports, and culinary delights. Extend your summer and enjoy autumn happiness, adventure, and moments of indulgence. New experiences every week – perfect for every taste. www.goldensummits.at